Beyond the Wall
Burgschneider Photography Initiative, in cooperation with SKALD, had the opportunity to visit Terre Spezzate's "Beyond the Wall". An Alphine LARP set in the Game of Thrones universe, which takes place high in the Italian Alps!
Burgschneider Photography Initiative, in cooperation with SKALD, had the opportunity to visit Terre Spezzate's "Beyond the Wall". An Alphine LARP set in the Game of Thrones universe, which takes place high in the Italian Alps!
Ellodan Creative Works e.V. is a registered association dedicated to personality building in children. Since 2008 the club organizes Live-Action-Role-Plays especially designed for kids and teenagers.
This year, Burgschneider Photography Initiative member "The Kelric View" undertook the epic task of photographing Drachenfest in all it's glory. The result is 100s of high resolution, detailed photos of one of the most epic experiences in the LARPing.
The ConQuest is a major LARP event that gathers about 6,000 players, 1,500 non-player characters and a few peoples each August to breathe life into the fantastic continent of Mythodea. It takes more than 1000 individual storylines, riddles and adventure with head, fight and skill to solve the fate of Mythodea in one direction or another.
Kalter Rauch hängt über den Auen von Streitland. Verbrannte Erde, rabenschwarze Reste von einstigen Befestigungen der braven Siedler. Wenn zum Abend der kalte Nebel über die Hügelkuppen kriecht und sich der Sumpf mit Rülpsen und Schmatzen der Nacht ergibt, dann zündet der Heerzug der Ebermänner und Mordbuben seine Fackeln an, um ein weiteres Dorf dem Hass zu opfern. Die Ritter vom Orden des Kelches rufen deshalb jeden, der eine Waffe halten kann, um sich den Heiden zu stellen. An der Widderwacht soll sich im Frühsommer ein jeder zur großen Heerschau einfinden und sich dem Kelchbanner anschließen.
"Min in Edhil" is an Ambient LARP event that focuses on interpersonal Role Play and adaptive plot within the "Lager der Elben" (Camp of the Elves).
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